The task of creating the Atlas of the Living Environment is the responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Water Management, the Association of Provincial Authorities (IPO) and the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), in cooperation with the provincial governments, municipalities and various knowledge institutions.

The Atlas of the Living Environment contains both regional and countrywide maps which are continuously being supplemented and updated. The technology behind the Atlas is also subject to continuous development. If you have any comments or tips, or spot any mistakes, please let us know. We will use the feedback to improve the Atlas. Please feel free to contact us.

Photographic material

A large portion of the photographic material comes from the National Photo Database / RIVM Photo Database. Unless stated otherwise, other image material is privately owned.

Correspondence address

E-mail: [ignore][/ignore]


Functional management: RIVM and Rijkwaterstaat, as commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Hosting and Technical Management: SSC-Campus, Geodan.


RIVM is responsible for the final editing of the Atlas of the Living Environment. You can mail the editors documents such as press releases and newsletters via contact .

User survey

The Atlas organisation has the user-friendliness of the website tested on a regular basis. The recommendations from the survey are included in the subsequent versions of the Atlas. This enables us to optimise the website for users.

Functional Design

RIVM, Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management


Geodan, RIVM.